Betrayal of the Princely state of Jambhu , Kashmir and Tibetadi started immediately after the transfer of power from British India to Congress party. I know I have started with few assertions which may be confusing for many. Why i used the “Princely state of Jambhu, Kashmir and Tibetadi” is because when i was checking the old stamps used in princely state of J&K, i found out revenue stamps with this name. I thought to use the original name and educate masses of our original name. I still have to figure out how did this name got changed to Jammu. Though i do consider this also a type of betrayal but i don’t know who is the main culprit.

Second biggest quandary in front of us is that whether to call 15th August 1947 as a transfer of power (which is a reality) or independence. If you ask me it was transfer of power to the chosen friends of Britishers but we have forced them to leave India so we should call it rightfully “Independence day”. Before i get deeper into this let me stop and come to the original topic that how ‘The Princely State of J&K’ was betrayed by the then selected power hungry leaders. On 15th August 1947, India got independence from the misrule of British India but it kickstarted a new chapter of subjugation, deceit and betrayal for Dogras, people of Ladakh, Gilgit , Baltistan, and rest of the Jammuites. There are lot of other communities in Jammu division which are ignored in Kashmir dominated fake narrative like Sarazi, Bhadarwahi, Kishtwadi, Poonchi, Pahadi, Pogali, Paddari, Gujjar, Bakarwal and Punjabis. Rest of India and world has not acknowledged other ethnicities who live here and their rights were crushed by the hegemony of Kashmir bases politicians.
The first betrayal with people of J&K was done by the then selected leader of Congress and first prime minister of India J L Nehru , Viceroy of India Lord Mountbatten, first CM of J&K Sheikh Abdullah and many others. Maharaja Hari Singh, the last ruler of Dogra empire was asking for arms and military help from India but it was deliberately delayed by Nehru and Lord Mountbatten. Maharaja requested Delhi to hurry up as the time was running up and Pakistan was preparing to attack J&K. Maharaja Hari Singh requested the then GOI to help with arms and ammunition as his army was short of arms and ammunition but Lord Mountbatten deliberately delayed it. Mountbatten very well knew about the conspiracy because Britishers wanted to annex J&K and merge with Pakistan. Mountbatten had already met Maharaja prior to independence and told him to go with Pakistan because of a muslim majority state. Despite knowing the fact that there is a hostile environment in Delhi , he still decided to acceded to India. Maharaja was repeatedly asking for accession but Delhi government lead by first selected Prime Minister Nehru was very insensitive to the humanitarian threat lurking in the state of J&K. Nehru wasn’t paying heed to the request of the last maharaja of J&K. On 21st Oct. 1947, J L Nehru himself told Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel that it is more important for him to handover power to Sheikh Abdullah before accession of princely state of J&K to India. He wanted to snatch powers from the Dogras and hand it over to his brother from another mother, Sheikh Abdullah which he ultimately did by hook or crook. It is a written document and a revealed fact which was hidden from public space for a very long time. It is high time we understand who betrayed we Dogras and pushed us in the well of fire till eternity. Nehru lead Govt. of India along with Lord Mountbatten betrayed not only the Maharaja of J&K but we the gullible people of J&K.
On 2nd Oct 1947, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel called for a meeting of Cabinet Committee of Defense to discuss the security situation in J&K. In that meeting a proposal was passed and asked the Commander-in-Chief for sending arms and ammunition to J&K without any delay. Till 26th Oct 1947 arms were not sent to J&K because the then Supreme Commander of India and Pakistan, Claude Auchinleck asked the then Commander-in-Chief of India, Robert Lockhart not to send arms and ammunitions to a war torn J&K.Claude Auchinleck was the Supreme Commander of India and Pakistan , who administered the splitting of the Indian army following the partition of Bharat. In November 1947 he resigned in open disagreement with the Indian leaders. Britishers wanted to take control of Gilgit so that they can keep a close watch on Central Asia. Pakistan was created by Britishers in order to have a puppet in the region where they have control. Britishers along with Pakistan hatched a conspiracy to attack princely state of J&K and annex it. Britishers betrayed people of J&K because Dogras paid Britishers to purchase the territory and we had the sovereign right over the territory. As a Supreme Commander, Claude Auchinleck had complete control over the Commander-in-Cheif’s of both Pakistan and India which he used to his advantage. Frank Walter was the Commander-in-Cheif of Pakistan at the time of war.

Have you ever heard that the Commander-in-Chief of both India and newly carved out country for muslims, Pakistan were Britishers. On top of that the supreme commander of India and Pakistan was also a Britisher. The officer who lead the Gilgit Scouts in a coup against the Dogra Governor of Gilgit was also a Britisher named William Brown. This coup lead to the fall of Dogra defense in the area bordering Pakistan. There was mutiny in the Dogra army by the muslim soldiers which worsened the situation. Just imagine it was all Britishers who were running the show and still they fooled the world by hiding the mess they created in this region.This was the biggest betrayal of Britishers, Muslim Soldiers in Dogra Army and Nehru who pushed people of J&K under the bus for their vested interests.
In November 1947 Hindu-Muslim riots erupted in Poonch and other adjoining areas like Mirpur which are currently in POJK. Around 40,000 Hindus and Sikhs came together in Mirpur to fight but army didn’t get the orders and the excuse given was that the weather was not good. On 11th November 1947 we have won Uri after the supreme sacrifice of Brigadier Rajinder Singh Jamwal. He was the savior of Kashmir and gave the supreme sacrifice on 26th October 1947 (Accession day). He served as the Chief of J&K State Forces and was conferred with Mahavir Chakra for his gallant and supreme sacrifice. When the riots were happening in POJK, 40,000 Hindus/Sikhs were fighting a lost war. Sheikh and Nehru betrayed the civilians who were waiting for help from state forces. Mirpur is 2 hours by road from Jammu but still they decided not to help civilians. Between 25th Nov 1947 and 25th Dec 1947 about 32000 were killed and many migrated to parts of Jammu but still orders were not given to our armed forces. The war crimes committed by Pakistani army along with the tribal raiders in concentration camps of Mirpur can’t be forgotten. It was the worst time in the history of mankind where men of all ages and older women were killed and young girls were raped and sold in Peshawar, Rawalpindi and other parts of Pakistan and Afganistan. Many women have jumped into wells , set their self ablaze to save themselves from the barbarians in Pakistani army. So many civilians were massacred in this bloody war waged by Pakistan on the behest of the Britishers. This bloodshed in the quest to keep control over Gilgit Agency and keep an eye over USSR shows how crooked Britishers were. No one can absolve Britishers and their puppet Pakistan of these war crimes and sins they committed.
Britishers were scoundrels who wanted to pushed us under the bus but the real culprits were the power hungry duo. It was not the climate conditions but the intentions of Sheikh Abdullah which was bad. He was a power hungry man who wanted to grab power on the blood of these innocent 32K civilian causalities. Nehru wanted to handover power to Sheikh which he already told Patel and that is why he declared a unilateral ceasefire on the behest of Sheikh. Kashmir is a smaller part of J&K. In JK UT Jammu is 26000 Sq Km (62%) and Kashmir is 16000 Sq. Km (38%) and 80% of the areas of Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are parts of Jammu( Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli etc). If they have allowed army to capture POJK, then Sheikh won’t get power as his influence in Muzaffarabad was minimal. In Muzaffarabad there are only 15% Kashmiri speaking people as found in Pakistan survey. Nehru wanted to handover powers to his Socialist comrade Sheikh Abdullah and disempower Maharaja Hari Singh. Had India decided to help our people and save parts of Jammu(Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli etc), this area would have been with India today. 80% of the POJK is Jammu and Sheikh can’t digest Dogras remain a dominant political force in the state.
Nehru and Sheikh focused on Kashmir and Kashmiri dominated areas. They did everything possible to let go parts of Jammu and areas like Muzaffarabad where kashmiri speakers were a minority. Even in subsequent years they left no stone unturned to marginalise the areas of Jammu and Ladakh. The biggest irony was that when Jammu and Kashmir acceeded to India the newspaper heading was “Kashmir accedes to india”. I consider that also a betrayal with larger region Jammu and a much larger Ladakh. Today also many people in India and abroad don’t know that Jammu is larger than Kashmir and Ladakh is the biggest among the three regions. Today also when someone refers to Maharaja Hari SIngh as “Maharaja of Kashmir” i call it betrayal with people of Jammu and Ladakh. We must call him the Maharaja of the Princely states of Jambhu , Kashmir and Tibetadi. He was not only the Maharaja of Kashmir but also the Maharaja of Ladakh, Gilgit and POJK.
Britishers couldn’t capture the whole territory of J&K but they were contented that at-least areas of Mirpur, Bimbar, Kotli, Muzaffarabad, Gilgit, Baltistan with remain with Pakistan. History has witnessed how Pakistan was sitting in the lap of Britishers and they controlled this strategically located area through a proxy government in Pakistan. Pakistan was always remained a puppet in the hands of other governments and their current master is China.
Lord Mountbatten was out of country from 22 March 1948 to 11 April 1948 to attend his nephews marriage and during this time Major General Thimayya successfully captured parts of Poonch and Rajouri. When Mountbattan returned he was enraged and upset but till then our brave soldiers brought back parts of Poonch and Rajouri. Our soldiers under the command of Major General Thimayya were actively fighting the Pakistani forces and were successful in driving out the entrenched raiders and Pakistani army regulars from Dras, Kargil and Leh later in November 1948. Today we don’t have POJK and more than 50,000 civilians in Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Poonch, Rajouri etc were killed in cold blood. Newly created Pakistan started its journey with bloodshed and war crimes which didn’t go well in the history. Who is responsible for these innocent lives? Who all have betrayed us?
Third betrayal was the expatriated of Maharaja Hari Singh from his ancestral land on 20 June 1949. Maharaja was invited to Delhi for a meet after Sheikh’s complaint that maharaja is interfering in the functioning of the state which was snatched from Dogra King and handed over to the Nehru’s favorite. Having said that when Maharaja reached Delhi , Nehru gave him two options jail or expatriation. Maharaja chose expatriation and he lived rest of his life in Maharashtra. Despite repeated requests he wasn’t allowed to visit his ancestral land J&K which his ancestors brought together by blood and shear valor. Nehru gifted Aksai Chin to China and let go parts of Jammu, Muzaffabad and Gilgit. This was the biggest betrayal with a Dogra King and People of Jammu. Such treatment wasn’t given to any king in India who wanted to acceded to India but deliberately delayed to feed their hollow ego. Nehru was holding grudge against Maharaja Hari Singh. Maharaja wrote many letters requesting GOI to allow him to come back to J&K but each time his plea was rejected. Nehru was selected by M K Gandhi as the PM of India and he selected Sheikh Abdullah as First Prime Minister of J&K. During 1948 war too Nehru handed over the emergency administration to inexperienced Sheikh Abdullah. Favoritism and Nepotism was the bedrock of Nehru’s democracy. He was so much obsessed that he ruled for more than a decade, and gave himself Bharat Ratna too. Let me tell you the reason of Nehru’s hatred for Maharaja Hari Singh. In 1946 , Sheikh Abdullah started Quit Kashmir Movement and on May 15th Sheikh Abdullah was arrested. Nehru came to Abdullah’s defense and Pandit Ramchandra Kak arrested him on June 22nd 1946. Pandit Ramchandra Kak was Prime Minister of J&K from 1945 to 1947. After Abdullah’s arrest in 1946 , congress leaders are said to have sent telegrams to Kak as well as the Maharaja demanding Abdullah’s release

Highly colored , inaccurate and vituperative statements were published by Congress , resolutions were passed against the maharaja’s government and commissions of enquiry were appointed. I hope now it makes sense to you that why Nehru had so much hatred towards Jammu and the Dogra Ruler. This was shear misuse of powers by Nehru and taking advantage of the situation. He pushed millions under the bus while feeding his ego. He expatriated both Maharaja as well as Pandit Ramchandra Kak from J&K and left millions to die in POJK. Millions migrated to parts of Jammu and stayed as second class migrate in their own state for 70 years. They got justice on 5th Aug 2019 when they got rights domicile certificate in their own state. Expatriation of the Maharaja is the biggest betrayal Delhi government did with Jammu.
Fourth betrayal was when Nehru surrendered in front of Sheikh Abdullah. In 1951 first constituent assembly elections nomination of 51 candidates of Praja Parishad were rejected . On 73 out of 75 seats, candidates of National Conference were declared victorious unopposed. People started asking questions that what kind of democracy Nehru is trying to push down throat of people of J&K. Many leaders were protesting on the streets of jammu and were arrested. Praja Parishad was leading the protests against this injustice. When 75 out of 75 members were with Sheikh Abdullaha he started showing his true colors and started blackmailing Nehru. He started asking for a seperate constitution, seperate flag etc. and a special status for J&K. Sheikh Abdullah came up with his list of demands and it was 5th August/8th August when in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha special status was granted to J&K and on same dates in 2019 it was revoked by Indian Parliament.
In 1954 introduction of article 35A in Indian Constitution through a Presidential order was fifth betrayal with India and Indian citizens. It stripped rights of citizens of India and gave special rights to citizens of J&K. J&K State subjects had rights in the state as well as rest of India but indian citizens had no rights in J&K. Even the refugees who migrated during partition and 1948 war had no rights, women married outside state use to lose rights on her ancesteral property and dalits etc. Article 35A is revoked on 5th August 2019 along with article 370. India was divided into two parts and government of J&K continued their biased treatments of state subjects and india had no control over state. It took 70 years to fix the blunder.
When the prominent mouth piece of India published an article that Kashmir acceded to India you betrayed J&K. You failed to acknowledge parts of Jammu and Ladakh. Maharaja Hari SIngh was not only Maharaja of Kashmir but also Maharaja of Jammu , Ladakh, POJK and Gilgit too.
When the prominent mouth piece of India published an article that Kashmir acceded to India you betrayed J&K. You failed to acknowledge parts of Jammu and Ladakh. Maharaja Hari SIngh was not only Maharaja of Kashmir but also Maharaja of Jammu , Ladakh, POJK and Gilgit too.
Betrayal still continues and let me tell you how Delhi government and rest of India betrays with J&K. When you don’t recognize Jammu you are actually ditching people of Jammu. When you use terms like POK instead of POJK you betray Jammu and thousands of civilians killed in this bloody war which was an extension of two nation theory.

When you don’t acknowledge that POJK is 80% parts of Jammu you betray Jammu. When you say Maharaja of Kashmir you betray people of Jammu, Ladakh and other parts of Tibet. Let us take corrective steps and pledge not to betray with the people of J&K especially people of Jammu who are under subjugation of Kashmiri politicians since the betrayal of Nehru when he decided to ditch the people of Jammu and hand over power to his brother from another mother , Sheikh Abdullah. Let us learn from history and don’t continue to betray people of Jammu which constitutes 62% of JK Union Territory. Let us pledge to present a correct narrative of Jammu and Kashmir and interests of Jammu must also be preserved and protected.
Thank you for this information. This information is very knowledgeable. I am shocked and surprised to know about the real history and facts about Jammu and Kashmir.This will help every one to know about the
real story of J&K, The Dogra dynasty and Dogra Rulers especially about the
Maharaja Hari Singh and his sacrifice for this princely state
I appreciate you for sharing this article with others. Very well written with all facts and figure. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more of such enlightening articles from you
With Regards
Dr Poonam Sharma